Deluxe Porta Potty

mice portable toilet in a fieldDeluxe porta potty is perfect for large events attended by lots of people, such as: festivals, weddings, and marathons. Portable restrooms can be also frequently met on jobsites, camping grounds and hiking trails. While at first sight, deluxe units don’t differ visually much from regular porta potties, they still have some advantages that make the experience more comfortable and safer.


The first thing to be mentioned is the size. Deluxe units are more spacious than regular porta potties, allowing for more mobility and helping you avoid feeling cramped. The interior is designed to make sure you are safe and feel comfortable while relieving yourself. The floor is durable enough to withstand high pressures. In addition, it is anti-slip which reduces the risk of accidents and injuries. Ventilation is guaranteed to fullest extent. The unit has two large ventilation slots that let fresh air in and make the pungent odors leave the cabin. The translucent ceilling improves the vision during day, while if you are renting the restroom overnight you can opt for a lighting kit that is easy to install. Deluxe porta potty for rental in Mesa comes with a convenient and large toilet paper dispenser that is fully stocked to provide for your entire trip, camping stay or for an event where lots of people participate, such as: concert and festival.

The portable restroom boasts a shelf where you can leave your belongings, such as: your bag, scarf, headwear, or gadget. The shelf is mounted high on the wall which allows you keep your staff clean and safe. There is also a hanger where you can rest your coat in safety, avoiding keeping it on you adding to discomfort, or holding it in your hands or even leave it on the floor which is never a good idea knowing that the floor is a potential source of bacteria. A mirror is also available in rental deluxe porta potty in Mesa. You can use it to ensure that the clothes look good on you before leaving the restroom.

When it comes to sanitation, deluxe portable toilet has a hand sanitizer that helps you keep bacteria and pathogens at bay. You get a large bottle aimed to ensure an extended use when you are for a long stay on the camping ground or take a lengthy road trip. While being an obstacle for bacteria, the seat cover is a source of bacteria itself. This is why, deluxe porta potty rental package includes a spare seat cover that you can substitute the original one with after a while of usage. Uninstalling and installing is a matter of one minute so you don’t have to worry that you waste time in vain. The portable restroom has two types of door securing mechanisms that you can use concomitantly, interchangeably, or resort to one of them when the second one gets broken. To ensure that you feel safe while relieving yourself, you can choose to secure the unit with a lock with keys or with a hasp.